July 30, 2010

Book Links Below

I have added a list of Book Links in the footer of my blog. If you need recommendations for books, you should find what you need there. There are three right now but I will be adding to them as I find more that I like.
The first is to gnooks.com which does cloud style author recommendations. Type in the name of an author you like and it will find all of the authors that others have liked in addition. They float around a bit but the ones closest to your original entry will be the ones others have most often picked. They also have a place for you to enter three of your fav authors and they will recommend additional.
The second addition to the list is Tamora Pierce's Teen Sci-fi and Fantasy picks. Tamora Pierce is one of my favourite YA authors and these are the books that she thinks are excellent. I have read some but not all but I'm working my way through!:D
The last addition I found by going to Anne McCaffrey's website and discovering that her publisher, Random House, occasionally releases free ebooks for download in different formats for a very limited time. Suvudu (the cool, kooky name of the site) also covered Comic Con 2010 and there are pictures you can link to from their main page.
As I add more links I'll let you know!

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